Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Landrey's Journey Part 8 (Third Birthday)

This was originally posted September of 2015
Three years of war.
Filled with new battles. Opportunities for fear. A perfect chance to panic. Conditions right to question His plan.
Over the past year, new challenges presented...a 911 call, three transports, multiple hospital stays, ounces of blood drawn, new specialists in the mix. A new diagnosis given and some we were spared from.
"Stuff just pops up with Landrey. Then it goes away. Then new stuff pops up then that goes away," a specialist describes her journey.
We have seen God heal Landrey this year...again and again. It goes away because He heals. Today on Landrey's third birthday, we are moved with gratefulness.
He has shown us such incredible mercy. On this day three years ago at 11:48 a.m, I hadn't yet held her, nor had I ever heard her cry. Nine more long days would pass before she would come off the vent. Maybe it was preparing us. And after surgery, another nine. It was building something in all of us.
Each time I've posted about her I've thought, "This is the last 'tough' one. Soon it will be normal."
This journey isn't.
Landrey is warrior. She fights daily, sometimes against sickness and sometimes against us. Hey, she IS 3. https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/ffb/1/16/263a.png☺️
Today, I woke up to the sound her voice over the monitor. She's attempting small phrases, pulling up, standing, and cruising furniture. She holds her cup and even attempted to thank her guests for giving her presents just yesterday.
She is who she is because of Him and the incredible ways He's put Landrey on the hearts of those know us. So today, as we stop and wish Landrey a happy birthday, pray for her continued journey and those who carve out time and sacrifice to help Landrey accomplish more than anyone will ever be able to write about.
Landrey, your smile lights up a room. Your laugh changes a day and your testimony empowers lives and draws them to our Creator. God is real. Landrey is proof. 
Landrey was diagnosed with epilepsy and immunodeficient by the age of three. She encountered a brutal illness just before her third birthday that originally indicated leukemia. After further tests, the diagnosis was negative. There was no true explanation from physicians for what indicated leukemia nor why it disappeared from her lab work. 

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